Wednesday, December 29, 2010


For some of you who happened to surf by, or that belong in some way to that big brother who is always watching us don't fear this blog is about a game....that game being World of Warcraft in its latest expansion Cataclysm. I am Convel, Death Knight of Vytis on the realm Darkspear. My primary spec is that of blood(offspeced frost currently) which means I make things hit me while the rest of the group gets the glory for massive damage caused, at least most of the group the healer gets as much glory as I do. I don't claim to be the best tank in the world, truthfully don't want that title I just enjoy being right in the middle of the fight. Most if not all of the post here will involve being that center bulwark; the subject of tanking as a Death Knight and generating threat. I didn't start out as a tank in fact my first toon was a clothie caster, then I went heals for a while. My first tank was actually supposed to be melee or pvp but because Pali's were so needed as tanks at the time I was conned into it, now I prefer tanking over everything else.

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